Sunday School

Sunday School Classes - "The Best hour Of Your Life"


MSMBC’s vision is that each member experiences “The Best Hour of Your Life.” We call this hour, Sunday School, which is the foundational strategy of our church. Sunday School leads people to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and build Christians through open Bible study groups. These groups can engage people in evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship, and worship. The MSMBC goal is to grow the church through promoting active participation in Sunday School.

Adult Sunday School Class

(YOU Curriculum)

This contemporary class uses real-life curriculum entitled YOU. 

Senior Adult Class

(ECHO Curriculum)

The anchor class of our Sunday School ministry. Many classes have derived from this class. This class majors in the study, kinship, fellowship, and love.

Adult Class


This is a mid-age and up class, which allows for individual spiritual growth and in-depth study of God’s word.

This is a middle -senior age class, whose focus is to give everyone the individual experience and opportunity for active listening and participation.

This class is the discipleship class, which studies current discipleship curriculum. This class challenges you to go further in your walk with Christ

This class is for all new members and members who want to understand some of the beliefs of the Christian faith and to receive introductory information to the church.

Youth and Children’s Sunday School Classes

High School Class – Youth from 9th to 12th grade 

Middle School Class – Youth from 6th to 8th grade

Upper Elementary Class – Children in 4th and 5th grades

Lower Elementary Class –  2nd and 3rd-grades

Kindergarten  – Ages 4 -5 years old 

Pre-school –   Ages 1 – 3 years old